Selecting the right keywords for your site is more art than science. The best search terms are ones that people actually use- and ones on which there's limited competition. At least give yourself a chance to appear on page one. Phrases are almost always better than single words, except in highly specialized application with their own terminology.
Everyone's brain works a little differently. You might think the search terms you'd use are so obvious that everyone else would use the same ones. It isn't so. Ask random friends or customers what search terms they would use to research something like tires to to find your web site. You might be surprised
When choosing keywords, start by reverse-engineering competitors' sites and sites that appear in the first three positions on obvious search terms. View the source for their pages and make a list of the keywords they use. Brainstorm other terms from your text. Then use this list as input for one of several tools that identify good search terms and suggest alternatives..
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