As soon as you begin planning your web site, start collecting e-mail addresses. Begin with your e-mail address book: friends and family, your banker, accountant, attorney, investors, business advisors, vendors, members of local media, government officials, or other community leaders. Those in the media or government positions are obligated to communicate with the public.
As a matter of courtesy, as the folks previously listed, and any others that you add to your newsletter list, to opt in by clicking a confirmation link within your newsletter. It's helpful if the confirmation link to takes the user to a screen that allows options for selecting types of e-mail (such as HTML or Text) and/or choosing interest areas, just as you ask new subscribers to do.
Your e-mail address list is gold! Building a good list of e-mail addresses is critical to recovering your investment in an e-mail newsletter program. Be sure to back up your address list along with other valuable files and store a copy offsite.
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