
How Web Pages Work

Under every web page on the internet is at least some HTML. Even a site that uses something like Flash still has an HTML wrapper around it. To really understand the web, you need to understand how web pages work, what parts make up pages, and how these parts work together. Each web page is a file. It might reference other files, but it is still a single file. The web page is just a text file of the HTML commands. This file is small, which is why it loads so quickly.

You can use a couple of different types of tools for HTML creation. These include both text editors and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors. Most web developers use a combination of these things. For instance, a quick page fix is usually done with just a text editor, whereas the creation of a table is better done with a WYSIWYG editor. It’s important to understand the unique advantages each editor offers so that you can easily decide which tool will work best for the particular job you are doing. 

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